Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fall Funk

I'm out of sorts with the internet.  I'm finding it hard to keep up with all of the blog posts that I have planned.  I have several started, but not finished.  I also just finished reading the newest issue of Lonny magazine, haven't even looked at Covet Garden yet, and have shows stacking up in my Hulu queue.  I'm just lacking energy when it comes to the web.  Is it Fall?  Maybe it's Season Four of The West Wing, which makes me believe that there can be good intelligent people in politics for a few hours a night, despite the fact that its fiction.  I kind of needed that after the recent elections, and its all I want to watch these days.

This was the view from my front porch a couple days ago.
Or have I just been tiring myself out getting ready for the colder weather that's supposed to be on its way?  Stacking wood closer to the house for easy access to the woodstove, and planting lots of daffodil bulbs before the ground freezes have taken up some of my time lately.

Maybe with the colder weather and the need to stay inside that it brings, I'll get back on the horse, so to speak.

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